The Application
The EPIV (Electronic Pressure Independent Valve) is a 2-way valve which is unaffected by pressure variations in a system. The EPIV directly measures flow by combining a magnetic flow meter and a 2-way control valve. The actuator has a powerful algorithm that modulates the control valve to maintain the flow setpoint set by the controller. The flow reading is reported back to the controller using a standard signal, and this value can be used by the Building Automation System to perform advanced control and energy strategies. The EPIV is a valve designed specifically for HVAC applications.

The Solution
PHYTEC assisted Belimo in the development of multiple HVAC field devices. The efficient, low-power nature of both the phyCORE-i.MX 6UL and the phyCORE-AM335x made them ideal platforms for Belimo devices which are often required to be in operation 24/7. By leveraging our proven System on Module designs as foundational building blocks, PHYTEC’s hardware engineers created fully custom, flat design single board computers optimized for Belimo. The operating system in the devices is based upon Linux and uses customized bootloaders and filesystems from PHYTEC.

phyCORE®-i.MX 6UL
Low cost solution for general purpose embedded application.

Perfect balance of performance, features, and power for deployment in general purpose embedded applications.

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