The latest from phyBlog
Welcome to the phyBLOG. Here you’ll find the software release announcements, upcoming events, webinar recaps, and other fun stuff!
Webinar – The SOM: Evolution of the System on Module
Thank you to all who were able to attend our last webinar, The SOM: Evolution of the System on Module presented by our Managing Director, Thomas Walker.
Summer 2020 phyTERNS PHERRY Project
Every summer PHYTEC invites a group of interns (whom we’ve lovingly nicknamed the phyTERNS) to our Bainbridge Island office.
phyCORE-i.MX6 Software Release (BSP-Yocto-i.MX6-PD20.1.0)
Software Release Name: BSP-Yocto-i.MX6-PD20.1.0
phyCORE-i.MX 8M Mini Software Release – (BSP-Android-FSL-i.MX8MM-ALPHA1)
Software Release Name: BSP-Android-FSL-i.MX8MM-ALPHA1
Advanced Rework at PHYTEC
At PHYTEC we pride ourselves on the many services we offer that go beyond the System on Module. One of our most utilized services is advanced rework. I recently spent a day at our Bainbridge Island office for hands on experience to learn how our in-house tools help PHYTEC customers every day.
Coming Soon – Android Support for the phyCORE-i.MX 8M Mini
Very soon PHYTEC will have Android running on our phyCORE-i.MX 8M Mini!
Webinar – 5 Tips for Designing an Embedded System with PHYTEC
PHYTEC just completed its first webinar! Presented by our own Hardware Engineer, Johnathan Feuerstein, this webinar covered general recommendations and tips from PHYTEC for designing a carrier board around a PHYTEC System on Module.
phyCORE-AM57x PRU-ICSS Application Guide
PHYTEC is continually growing our developer resources with new documentation. Our latest addition includes a guide on how to use the PRU-ICSS co-processor on the phyCORE-AM57x System on Module.
BitCtrl Releases QNX BSP Supporting PHYTEC’s i.MX6 Series of SOMs
PHYTEC partner BitCtrl announced a new major release v2.0.0 of the PHYTEC i.MX 6 QNX BSP.