Meet Dez From Marketing
I’ve been a creative person my entire life, so getting into a field where I can be myself has always been the goal.
QUESTION: What is your position at PHYTEC?
I am the Marketing Coordinator, and am responsible for developing and implementing marketing campaigns, running our social media, planning and executing trade shows, and maintaining our printed marketing materials.
QUESTION: What made you want to get into your field?
I’ve been a creative person my entire life, so getting into a field where I can be myself has always been the goal. I studied journalism and communication at the University of Arizona, but decided after college that journalism wasn’t for me. I’ve been able to apply a lot of what I learned to what I’m currently doing, and since I have no engineering background I am also in a position where I’m constantly getting to learn, which is my favorite part! I’m especially happy that I found PHYTEC (or did PHYTEC find me?), because we’re more like family than coworkers and not a lot of people are lucky enough to say that.
QUESTION: What is your favorite thing about being a woman?
There are so many great things about being a woman, but I’d say my favorite thing is the privilege of getting to be part of female friendships. There’s something so magical about groups of women hanging out, inspiring each other, sharing secrets and talking about life. I feel like the bond between female friends is stronger than a lot of other things in this world.
QUESTION: What woman inspires you and why?
My biggest inspiration at the moment is Alison Roman, a cook and New York Times columnist who takes a very casual approach to cooking and entertaining. Cooking is one of my biggest passions and nothing makes me happier than feeding my friends, hosting them in my small apartment, and keeping the wine flowing. If Alison Roman can do it in her tiny NYC apartment while simultaneously developing recipes for two best-selling cookbooks, then there’s nothing stopping me from doing what I love in my space.
QUESTION: Are there any assumptions about women that you would like to change and why?
I’d like to change the assumption that a woman who doesn’t want children is selfish, or less of a woman. As I get older and am bombarded with the question of when I want to have babies, I get the funniest reactions from people when I say that I don’t think I want them. I just simply don’t believe that all paths lead to children and a family, and that should be okay. Plus everyone knows my cat, Mazzy, is my baby 🙂
“I just simply don’t believe that all paths lead to children and a family, and that should be okay.”
QUESTION: What do you believe will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you?
I think the biggest challenge facing the generation of women behind me is the pressure to be perfect. Showing that you have the perfect life, the perfect body, and the perfect family is all we see on social media, TV, and everywhere else. I’m 29 years old and it’s hard even for me to not compare myself to others, and feel like I’m not good enough. I can’t imagine growing up with that all around me and it not having a major effect on my self-worth.
QUESTION: What advice would you give a woman who wants to enter the same field as you?
My biggest advice so far is to always be true to yourself. I’ve learned my lesson trying to be who others want me to be to please them; it never works. Be who you are. You will be a much happier human in your personal life, and so much happier in whatever career you choose.
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