
Multicore Processing with the i.MX RT 1170 CPU, NXP’s MQX RTOS, and PHYTEC’s phyCORE-RT1170 SOM

The i.MX RT 1170 processor provides a powerful embedded platform which contains both an M7 and M4 core. However, to take full advantage of this architecture, you need an environment that is up to the task. That’s where NXP, MQX and PHYTEC come in.

Thursday, June 1st at 8AM Pacific Time

Key Takeaways:

  • MQX is an ideal selection for the RT1170 CPU
  • phyCORE-RT1170 is an ideal hardware platform for an RT1170 based design
  • NXP provides a complete solution for the RT1170

Learn about the phyCORE-RT1170 SOM from PHYTEC and the NXP MQX RTOS platform that provides support for both cores, inter-core communication, and synchronization between tasks across the two cores. This session will cover the options available to you, and the steps required for customizing your own multicore environment.

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